October 07, 2019
India’s festive season is in full swing. This means entertaining guests and preparing new and exciting meals for the family. We have already checked out canape recipes to make your parties livelier, so let’s take a look at recipes to please the family that are still quick and easy to prepare.
September 02, 2019
Dietary approaches to stop hypertension or ‘DASH’, is a diet for people who aim to treat high blood pressure through diet instead of medication. This diet was created after researchers noticed that high blood pressure was less common in people who followed a plant-based diet instead of one that is heavy on meat.
September 02, 2019
Potato chips are crisp, salty, tasty and difficult to put down. These qualities might make them popular among the masses but it doesn’t make them any healthier. It is common knowledge that fried potato chips leads to increased weight gain, high cholesterol levels and low nutrition.
August 14, 2019
All of us want to look better and feel healthier, this means that everyone has an opinion on the right way to lose weight. Instead of listening to your neighbour who swears that her evening khari is responsible for her good looks, here are some weight loss facts that will help you on your fitness journey.
August 06, 2019
Ranking first as the best diet to follow for two years in a row, the Mediterannean diet is a diet that has many benefits and few drawbacks. Modeled after the eating habits of people from Crete, Greece and Southern Italy during the mid-20th century, this diet simply encourages eating fruits, whole grains, vegetables, legumes and nuts as food sources.