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Shows you love and the snacks you can enjoy with them

JUNE 20, 2019

Who doesn’t love relaxing in front of the television with a good show and a delicious snack? No Netflix night is complete without a yummy bite to share the screen with. However, what if you could find the perfect snack based on your favourite show? One that was salty, sweet or spicy enough to accompany your favourite onscreen characters. Here are some of our favourite shows to binge watch and the snacks that go along with them.


Whether you are taking a break from work, enjoying the monsoon from indoors or just bored, ‘Friends’ is always a good time. Watching ‘Friends’ is like meeting your friends at your local coffee shop and just hanging out. For this show, the snack we recommend is a healthy but loaded sandwich. You can make this with multigrain bread, low-fat mayonnaise and fat-free fillings like tomatoes, cucumber and onion. Whether it is the episode where Joey risks his life  to save a sandwich or when Ross almost loses his job because of the ‘moist-maker,’ over its 10 season run, ‘Friends’ has always had a special place for sandwiches and so should you.

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Did you know that ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ has been going for 13 seasons! With such a strong run it is on its way to becoming one of the longest running live-action sitcoms on American television. Over 13 seasons ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ has managed to be one of the sharpest, wittiest and most hilarious shows to air.

Even after 13 years the show continues to push the envelope, while still being one of cringiest shows that doesn’t take itself too seriously. The show that cannot be defined has only one accompanying food - the taco. Just like the beloved television show tacos cannot be defined as a healthy snack or junk food. Your taco can be as healthy or unhealthy as you want it to be. If you opt for healthy taco shells from DIP foods, topped with lean protein, vegetables and salsa you have a healthy taco. On the other hand, if your taco has been deep fried in oil and grease, topped with cheese, extra salt and no vegetables then your taco can be classified as unhealthy.

30 Rock

With 7 seasons airing from 2006 to 2013, 30 Rock is one of the most beloved shows on television. The record-breaking show earned itself 22 Emmy nominations in the same year and is said to be the show with the highest number of laughs per minute. Even though it gained much critical acclaim, the show did not gain mainstream popularity and was eventually cancelled. Just like its lead and creator Tina Fey AKA Liz Lemon, our food of choice for you is - cheese canapes. If there is one thing Liz Lemon loves more than anything, it’s her cheese. And if you’re using the baked canape bases from DIP Foods there is no reason to think that people will judge.

Binge watching TV shows is the modern way of unwinding after a hard day at work. After a long day, you just want to come home to some comfort food and comfort shows. Make a simple conscious decision to eat healthy snacks and enjoy your weekend unwind guilt-free.

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