Classic Rusk
One of the healthiest Greek foods and of high nutritional value, a rusk is a hard, twice-baked, dehydrated bread, in order to be maintained and eatable longer than fresh bread
The history of rusk goes back for centuries and the basic need that led to its creation was maintaining the bread for a long time as well as the difficulty in daily kneading. It is said that the first rusk was made by the Byzantine baker Paxamos and that’s why in Greece a rusk is called “paximadi”
It is fascinating how many names this humble food is known as Rusk & Khasta in India, Biscottes in France, Fette Biscottate (Biscotti) in Italy, Melba Toast in USA, Cake Rusk in the UK, Paximadi in Greece, and the list goes on
DIP Classic Rusks are prepared to keep in mind true origins using the best available ingredients. DIP rusks contain no preservatives. Simply dip them in your tea or coffee and experience the melting sweetness in mouth. Simply delicious.